Performance under the Collective Bargaining Agreement and social support of employees
- social protection of employees;
- maintaining social stability among employees;
- boosting Russian Railways’ attractiveness as an employer;
- developing social partnership.
Russian Railways liaises with trade unions following the principles of social partnership and respect for parties’ mutual interests. 716,000 employees of Russian Railways were members of the Russian Trade Union of Railway Workers and Transport Builders (Rosprofzhel) in 2018.
In 2018, the Company maintained its status as a socially responsible employer. Russian Railways delivered on all its obligations for 2018 under the Collective Bargaining Agreement 2017–2019. The Company secured social stability among its employees based on a balanced and effective HR and social policy, without any collective labour disputes.
- RUB 47 bn for employees and their families;
- RUB 4.2 bn for retirees.
In 2018, Russian Railways’ corporate support programme helped 4,409 employees (up 15% y-o-y) to improve their housing conditions with the Company’s financial support totalling RUB 2,427.8 m.