Key focus areas of the Long-Term Development Programme

Key initiatives in rail transportation and infrastructure development include:
  • developing operating domain-centred transportation management principles across the Russian Railways network;
  • creating dedicated infrastructure for passenger and freight traffic;
  • boosting efficiency of low intensity railway lines;
  • enhancing transportation efficiency through quality improvements in utilisation of the rolling stock;
  • developing marshalling yards;
  • improving management of the freight car fleet;
  • bolstering utilisation efficiency of mainline and shuntering locomotives and locomotive crews;
  • upgrading railway tracks applying new technology and using elements and structures of equally high quality to reduce costs associated with the infrastructure maintenance life cycle;
  • establishing extended guarantee sections ensuring safe passage of freight trains;
  • creating an operating domain-centred model for operation of work trains and diagnostic machinery;
  • removing energy-related restrictions;
  • preparing infrastructure facilities for passage of heavy-duty trains;
  • streamlining planning for repairs and maintenance of infrastructure facilities and associated scheduling processes;
  • improving train composition planning and train passage management systems;
  • using natural gas as a motor fuel, gradually expanding the use of gas powered locomotives (gas turbine locomotives, gas powered diesel locomotives used in shuntering operations), while also working to improve design and increase efficiency at locomotive plants when developing modern servicing stations and LNG refuelling mechanisms.
Russian Railways’ goals for developing railway infrastructure until 2025:
  • achieve a 1.5x increase in the throughput capacity of the Baikal–Amur and Trans-Siberian Railways to 180 mt by 2024 and 210 mt by 2025;
  • boost the throughput capacity of the rail infrastructure serving ports of the Azov and Black Seas;
  • reduce container travel times from the Far East to Russia’s western border to seven days and achieve a fourfold increase in the transit container traffic;
  • develop high-speed and ultra high-speed railway services between and within major cities and metropolitan areas.
  • develop transportation services between regional administrative centres and other cities of major economic activity;
  • create multimodal freight transportation and logistics hubs.